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Buy Colorado Foreclosure Listings
The rampant bank foreclosures in Colorado continue to plague a state that has been attempting to remedy the problem even before the financial crisis. An average of 1 in every 432 households got a foreclosure filing notice in July. The 33,046 Colorado foreclosure listings average a selling price of under $200,000. A total of nearly 5,000 properties have gone into bank foreclosure in Colorado past month alone.
The price per square foot on average of homes in Aurora CO is $112, a reduction of 5.1% compared to this time last year. There are currently over 3,000 homes for resale and new homes in Aurora. The price per square foot on average for homes in Denver CO was $189, at a higher percentage of 2.2% compared to last year. There are currently over 7,000 homes for resale and new homes in Denver online with nearly 50% of those homes in the various stages of the foreclosure process including auction, pre-foreclosure, or bank-owned foreclosures.
Pueblo CO is currently the cheapest priced at $75 per square foot, remaining the same as compared to the same time frame in the previous year. There are a wide range of homes available. New home owners seeking to purchase a foreclosure property should consider moving to Colorado if they are looking for low priced homes in fantastic neighborhoods. the #1 foreclosure listings service provides the most up-to-date Colorado foreclosure listings, government foreclosures and Colorado bank foreclosures. Try our foreclosure list service and find the best Colorado foreclosures. Join Now for the latest Colorado foreclosure listings.