- Price -
- Beds
- Baths
- #
- ID
- Type
- Street
- Location
- Zipcode
- Price
- Details
- 1
- 30393665
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $271,300
- 2
- 30224703
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 3
- $224,000
- 3
- 30475270
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $238,200
- 4
- 30443964
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $220,000
- 5
- 30611476
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 4 / 2
- $165,000
- 6
- 30639417
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $250,000
To view a sample listing, please click here
- 7
- 30631188
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 2 / 1
- $263,100
- 8
- 30015532
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $278,000
- 9
- 30316453
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 2 / 1
- $61,750
- 10
- 30354649
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 1
- $192,900
- 11
- 30195280
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 1
- $180,000
- 12
- 30131789
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 1
- $163,300
- 13
- 30503177
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $189,900
- 14
- 30394665
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 2 / 1
- $120,000
- 15
- 30273780
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $158,650
- 16
- 30022632
- Pre-foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $271,900
- 17
- 29112151
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $209,800
- 18
- 28901562
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $214,900
- 19
- 28779334
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $234,900
- 20
- 29759119
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $142,000
- 21
- 29764971
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 2 / 1
- $56,900
- 22
- 29762703
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $191,000
- 23
- 29728242
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 2 / 1
- $167,000
- 24
- 28841464
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 2 / 2
- $192,061
- 25
- 29812125
- Foreclosure
- Login to view address
- Pahoa, HI
- 96778
- 3 / 2
- $224,900
We would like to notify you that the availability of properties listed on our site is not always guaranteed, as the quantity of foreclosure properties in our database fluctuates due to varying market conditions. We, nevertheless, encourage you to peruse other property categories available on our website, which include pre-foreclosures. These options provide excellent avenues for real estate investment.
We appreciate your understanding and welcome you to reach out to us for any additional inquiries or concerns.
We would like to notify you that the availability of properties listed on our site is not always guaranteed, as the quantity of foreclosure properties in our database fluctuates due to varying market conditions. We, nevertheless, encourage you to peruse other property categories available on our website, which include pre-foreclosures. These options provide excellent avenues for real estate investment.
We appreciate your understanding and welcome you to reach out to us for any additional inquiries or concerns.
Come Relax and Stay In Pahoa, Hawaii
The small town of Pahoa, Hawaii is now seeking residents. The town is close to an active volcano and the ocean, making it wonderful for families and business individuals who wish to stay by the ocean. Many individuals are flocking to this beautiful and restful city to visit, and are winding up longing to move in. If you're a working individual who wishes to come find rest after a long hard day, come and live in Pahoa! There are roughly 9,900 homes available due to foreclosure; the average cost of living is $800 monthly, and the average price of home is $70 a square foot.